Sunday, July 13, 2008

Food or blogging what should it be?

If blogging is suppose to be a daily event then I am a blogging failure. As you can see it has been over a month since I sat down to post anything. It isn't like I didn't think about it. There were times I even knew what I was going to post. But at the end of the day life just seem to take over and I couldn't make it happen. I can muster up excuses; like the week Corbie went to Africa and all I could do is worry. I had all sorts of crazy thoughts marathoning through my wee brain. At the end of the day praying for her safety replaced blogging.

Again it could be an age thing, for Corbie and Lindsey, my assistant, post almost daily. (A truly amazing feat in my eyes.) While I on the other hand am trying to make every second of my day productive, they are productively blogging. It may be that blogging to them is as important as eating is to me. Since they are both thin I may have to rethink the importance of blogging.

For now I’ll be somewhat half-assed about it, and know it is a reflection of how my life goes.


lindsey said...

Or you could just do what I do and eat while you blog, you get the best of both worlds that way!

I'm eager to read more of your posts, but I'm not pressuring you in any way to post more than you want to. After all this is your blog and you are the one who decides when to post. I hit the wall often and usually post once a week if I'm lucky, I just happen to be in a good blogging place at the moment.

tristanjh said...

Well, if you are going to be half-assed about it, at least make the most of the posts you do take the time to write. Corbie is blogging about 'bunnies' and your friends Oscar and Wilbur while you are wasting your time on food. Get your priorities straight!